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We're on a mission to make customers’ lives easier by ensuring we have the correct management systems in place so you can expand your selling opportunities and revenue potential with our Global Market Access Service

There are many considerations when planning to launch your products in your target markets. Identifying the best potential markets for your products and navigating the complexities of international product safety and market access, especially regulatory compliance, performance testing and certification, are among the most important. With numerous scheme and mark requirements around the world, it is essential to have a trusted resource familiar with the compliance process long before your reaches the country you wish to sell to.

The CE Marking Authority works on the principle that we have a specialist resource within the region you want to supply goods

So we are in the process of opening a new office in Melbourne to cover all the Australian and New Zealand certification our principle engineer and has been a voting member on the QR-12 committee for several years which covers Conformance Marking to Regulatory Requirements in Australia and New Zealand and is also on other committees in relationship to energy. Thus giving the business first hand knowledge of what's required and how to mange the appropriate documentation.

The Responsible Supplier (on-shore manufacturer or importer) must meet all the requirements of the EESS, and ACMA for most electrical equipment supplied to the Australia or New Zealand and mark the product with the RCM Mark to achieve this you must demonstrate compliance with the two highlighted requirements below;

EESS Requirements, and
AMCA Requirements

We also have specific partners who specialize in EAC marking which is used in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. We work with our independent partners who are in Bergamo, Barcelona, Moscow, St Petersburg and Voronezh and are part of  an international certification company.

See a full list of EAC Regulations covered at the following link

Through our Barcelona partners we also offer GOST UZ (Uzbekistan) and Azerbaijan working with local testing laboratories and certification bodies.

This is in addition to the CE Marking UKCA and UKNI marking requirements which is covered by our team in Aberdeenshire and Northern Ireland.

For other region around the world we off our unique TRS service were we help 
manufacturers place their products on the market ensuring they are compliant. 

Global Technical Regulations and Standards Service (TRS)

Many manufacturers are not familiar with, or trained in, country specific TRS and the costs associated with certification may discourage manufacturers from trying to sell in certain areas of the world, or worse, unknowingly provide products that do not meet local codes. This is were the CE Marking Authority can help by offering our unique service which identifies the mandatory technical regulations and standards for the region and country where your products are being placed on the market. Our experts will inform you of the most effective the method you should use for testing, verification, inspection and certification, keeping the compliance costs to a minimum by using previous test data or informing you who to use when testing is required in country.
thus confirming the products fulfil the requirements laid down in regulations and standards for the market you wish to gain access to.


30A Main Street

Hatton, Peterhead

Aberdeenshire, AB42 0SB


United Kingdom

Business: +44 1779 841 842

Mobile: +44 7910 523 528

Compliance Marks

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