The UK Government proposes to update the existing ecodesign regulations for lighting products placed on the GB market (The Ecodesign for Energy Related Products and Energy Information (Lighting Products) Regulations 2021, from here on referred to as "the 2021 Regulations). The proposal is to set a new Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) of 120 lumen per watt (lm/W) for light sources and luminaires placed on the GB market from late 2023; this MEPS would increase to 140 lm/W from 1 September 2027, in each case subject to certain allowances and exemptions. The proposal sets out a range of allowances whereby certain light sources will benefit from a reduction in the required MEPS if they have certain characteristics (e.g. a colour-rendering index of 93 or greater) which are known to cause a loss in efficacy.
No changes are proposed to existing ecodesign requirements for separate control gears; nor to the existing energy labelling requirements for light sources. We undertook an assessment of the exemptions included in the 2021 Regulations to identify if changes were required at this time, which concluded that very few changes were necessary.
Objective and rationale, including the nature of urgent problems where applicable:
Light sources and luminaires ("lighting products") are currently regulated under ecodesign and energy labelling legislation in GB. The current minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for lighting products are below what is already reasonably achievable, resulting in untapped potential carbon, energy and energy-bill savings.
Our objective is to improve the efficiency of lighting products in order to meet our domestic energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation objectives as well as to improve our energy security and reduce bills for consumers. These amendments regulations will ensure that the potential energy savings are realised quickly by bringing forward investment decisions and market transformation.
We propose to update the current MEPS to be more ambitious reflecting what is broadly achievable for lighting products on the market. Market analysis and stakeholder consultation has taken place, is continuing through formal consultation to ensure the measure minimises burdens on consumers and businesses in the UK and overseas, and is the least trade restrictive necessary to deliver our climate policy.
This measure will increase innovation, investment, and uptake of more energy efficient products by phasing out the least efficient products on the market; reduce traded carbon emissions and energy bills for consumers and businesses; and minimise the adverse environmental impacts of lighting products.; Protection of the environment
Relevant documents:
Link to the live consultation:
Draft Instrument: The Ecodesign for Energy Related Products and Energy Information (Lighting Products) (Amendment) Regulations 2023
Proposed date of adoption:Q3 2023